Set off for the stupid Twelve Bridges hill again last night. I hate that hill, but I ran it so poorly last week, I had to prove to myself that I am stronger than that. I ran it....I ran up, ran down, ran up another hill, then back down the big hill. Running down the big hill hurts my toe, but down is still better than up.
When I ran last night, I ran after sunset. Up the hill it was still light enough to see where I was going, but once I got to the top it was dark, and I still had another hill to go, and no sidewalks. I ended up more scared of the cars going about 80 miles per hour than I was of the hill itself. Note to self...don't run the twelve bridges hill after dark.
Today I looked up the elevations on the Nike route, and none of the hills are as big as the twelve bridges hill, that is super encouraging. On Monday I have to go to San Francisco for a photo shoot, I am going to drive the Nike course, just so I can get an idea of what I am in for. Training on hills right now is going to help me with Davis in July. Davis is absolutely flat, but in July it will be hot, and the air with be thick. If I am used to running hills by that time, then the thick hot air shouldn't hurt me too badly.
I have other real life stuff going on these days outside of running. Not bad stuff, just lots of stuff. Work is super crazy right now, and June 1st, it's going to get even crazier. July 1st could change our pay, and work schedules, I am actually routing for the Governor's 4/9.5 plan....work 4 days a week for 9.5 hours a day. Jacob heads off to his Dads the week after school gets out, and Jaylee the week after that. I am excited that she has a gymnastics camp she has to go to the week after school gets out, which means I get to keep her an extra week! I will miss the Littles this summer, lately we have had them so much, and I love it, and am very used to having them all the time. I used to look forward to the weekends when they would go to their Dads, but for the last six months or so, they haven't gone to his house very often, and it has been so nice having them around. Tonight is Jacobs last baseball game of the season, and I am already counting the days until Fall Ball starts....Love Love Love watching that kid play. Jaylee's last gym meet of the season is June 2nd. We are anxiously looking forward to next season. As of right now, she will be on the level 3 team next year...in order to keep that spot she will have to do a lot of work this summer, but I think she has it in her. Wow, this is a lot of rambling, but who cares, I am going to keep going. Next week I get to go with Jacob's class on their park field trip. The last day of school is coming up, I took the day off, so that I can drop off and pick the kids up from school, that day is always my favorite day of the school year, they are always so excited to be out of school. We will carry on our tradition of going to the cookie store right after school. Shaun and I have a million photo shoots and weddings over the next few weeks, so I will get my evenings to myself, as he will be sitting working on pictures. I learned last night, don't talk to him at all when he is working on pictures, he may nod and say ok, but really he hears nothing....Dang Jaylee's pants and sweatshirt left at home today....oh well, his punishment is taking 4 Little's to the school carnival tomorrow night :). Oh, Tyler's UC Santa Cruz graduation is coming up next month, that should actually be a paragraph of its own. He is graduating with his bachelors from UC Santa Cruz, and was able to do college in just 4 years....that is almost unheard of these days, and he did it all on his own. That guy, although I never tell him, is kind of amazing in the school department, pretty proud of him. Oh, my 3 year anniversary of my divorce being final just passed...that's kind of a weird anniversary to remember. We have been apart for 4 years, divorced final for 3, and 3 years since we sold our last house. Luckily he and I can still communicate, we get done for the kids what's needed and don't have too much drama with each other. We annoy each other often, but still keep it civil. We have learned to navigate a new separate life with having kids, but not cross boundaries, it seems to work pretty well for us.
Ok the rambling is getting on my nerves!!
May 22, 2012, 4.75 miles, 48:45 (average per mile 10:15) Year to date 174.27 miles, average time per mile 9:51.