Last night Kara and I did our nice comfortable 3.1 loop. At the .25 mile mark, I noticed that we were going at a faster pace than we usually do. I can usually chat with her during a run, and not have an issue, but last night my breathing was definitely labored.
When we got back, we were still chatting away, and decided to do a half mile cool down walk. When we were done with that, we continued to chat on the porch for a few minutes. I love my Kara chat time!!!
Tonight I was supposed to do a long run with Roshelle, but something came up, so she had to cancel. Have decided yet if I will run anyway, or take a night off. We will see.
On the home front, all 3 kids left last night. The little ones went to their Dads, and Marina went to her friends house in preparation for an end of the week Tahoe trip the 2 are taking. I kind of miss those guys, but I will enjoy my kid free time while I have it!
I am missing Jacob's baseball...........I can't believe they have only had 1 of the 5 games they have had scheduled. Rain rain, stay away on Jacob's baseball game day :)
April 3, 2012, 3.10 miles, 28.53 (average per mile 9.18). Year to date 119.58 miles, average time per mile 9:55.