This Sunday is the Rocklin Run, I am hoping for a PR like I had last year. I am a little concerned because of some slight shin pain, but oh well, I will get over it.
Yesterday I received an email that he Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco, opened up registration for the random draw. I had not considered running it at all, because I hate hills. Yesterday the email was nagging at me, and I decided to check to see if they had a half option. I have run 2 marathons, and I don't really feel like running another one, especially not one in San Francisco. In my research, I found that, yes there is a half option. I then decided 13.1 miles for a Tiffany Necklace, and have it handed to me by a fire fighter in a tux....YES PLEASE!! Now I am anxiously waiting to see if my name is among the 25,000 names that will be drawn after April 20th. Please please please!!
Last night I sweetly asked Shaun, "hey want to go on a short run....I will go slow for you" He answered, yes! We ran, sort of, he was super slow and wanted to walk a lot, so I walked with him. At least we were getting out, and I didn't have to run alone. We ran 2.65 miles, and walked about 1.5 miles more, but I only counted the 2.65. We completed it in 26.01, not too bad, it's a 10:34 mile. My friend Leah on Facebook, commented, oh, man, I can't imagine what you would say if I ran with you, "not pretty, because I look like I am being murdered while running" HAHA, I told her to fly out here and run with me!
The night before I ran alone, so sad, no one wanted to go with me :(. I ran a short 3.22, in 30:06, averaging 9:21 per mile time. It was a good run, nice to get out. I did make the mistake of taking a new route, part of it was on a road with nothing on it but street lights and 2 huge open fields. I got scared and pictured articles of my clothing strung out through the field after getting murdered, I won't take that route again. :)
April 8, and 9, 2012, 3.22 and 2.65 miles, 30:06 and 26:01 (average per mile 9:21, and 10:34). Year to date 125.25 miles, average time per mile 9:55.
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