Friday, August 31, 2012


How have I not blogged about my 1/2 on Sunday?  What the heck!!!
I beat my personal record!!  I thought after running TinkerBell in January, that the only way I would ever be able to beat that time of 2:10:00, would be when I ran Disney again.  I felt that the pixie dust and magic of Disney is what pulled me to achieve my PR.  I was wrong!! Apparently the hilly trails of Roseville are just as magical.  I did not see Micky Mouse, but I did see someone who looked like a cross between the jolly green giant and Luigi from Mario Brothers.  I didn't see a sea of team sparkle skirts, but I did see one team sparkle skirt, and the women wearing it had the same last name as me...nice skirt Leslie Pease!  I may not have seen anyone with wings, but I did see a lot of people with spirit!!  Sunday was a great run, and I felt wonderful about my time, 2:08:18!!! Maybe a sub 2:00 time is in my future!!

Now, we come to after the race...............Shaun and I were asked to join some friends for breakfast, as I was about to say yes, I felt ouchieness in my tummy.  Dang it, I need to get home NOW!  Shaun and I headed home, and the dying began.  I felt sick like the flu, the only time I felt this sick before was after running the Chicago Marathon.  How could I possibly feel this bad after only half that distance?  I knew we needed to leave shortly after I took a shower, so we could drive the 4.5 hour round trip drive to get the kids.  It took about an hour of me walking to the car, then running back in the house to die, to the car, back to the house, to the car back to the house.  Finally I was able to go.  I had blankie and pillow in hand and we headed out.  This was the longest and worst car ride of my life, I cried and moaned the entire drive and could not fall asleep!  When we got home with the kids I went to bed.  I was freezing, to warm up I would get in the shower, then I would feel like dying again, so I would go back to bed.  I alternated between the bed and shower the rest of the day.  Finally around 10 pm with the help of a big glass of Donald Duck orange juice, I started to feel better.  Monday I even went to work, and stayed there all day!  What I didn't do Monday was go pee, at all, I had no pee in me...........turns out, I was severely dehydrated after the race.......grrrr to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 26, 2012, 13.2 miles,  2:08:18 (average per mile 9:40). August 29, 2012, 3.12 miles, 27:51 (average per mile 8:54). Year to date 374.49 miles, average time per mile 10:15.

Friday, August 24, 2012


Looks like I haven't updated in over a week....oops, maybe I have been too busy running :).

Last week I was invited to run with one of my neighbor's running groups.  I figured there would be a few girls showing up, and I would be left behind and hopefully not get lost!  Saturday morning was the day of the groups long run.  I met them all in the parking lot of Twelve Bridges Elementary School, at 6:20 in the morning.  When I arrived in the parking lot, I noticed a boat load of minivans....what are all these people doing at the school at 6:20 on a Saturday morning, while it was raining? Turns out there were 14 people including me, there to run! The group leader handed everyone a handy dandy map that map out a 7 mile run, 9 mile run, and 11 mile run.  There were girls with every different pace imaginable there, and they were all running different distances.  The girl who invited me to run, is a running superstar, so I knew better not to go with her group, because I would end up alone :).  I ran with a group of super friendly girls, and their goal was to run 7. We ran a really cool run, there was some drizzle, there was a sunrise, and really cool trails that are behind my subdivision, that go all the way to Rocklin, that I had no idea existed.  I ran a slow time, but chatted with the girls and had one of the best runs of my life!!!  After the run, I rushed home, showered and we headed to Lake Almanor to shoot a wedding, it was a long but great day!

I have had some other short, but fast runs over the last few days, and Sunday is the Whole Foods Running School Half!!! I don't expect to do well, but I do expect to have a good time!!!

August 16, 2012, 4.38 miles,  44:32 (average per mile 10:09). August 18, 2012, 6.72 miles, 1:13:44 (average per mile 10:58). August 21, 2012, 3.59 miles, 32:00 (average per mile 8:53). August 22, 2012, 3.10 miles, 27:48 (average per mile 8:57). Year to date 358.17 miles, average time per mile 10:17.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Morning Run

I have complained about it before, I will complain about it again, and I will complain about it now.....I don't like running in the morning.  I did it anyway today and felt great afterwards..............glad I did it....booo!

I also don't like running on Friday nights, but I ran last Friday night. :)

Oh........I thought that pretty sunsets only appeared because I was running....I thought it was Gods way of cheering me.  Last night while I was being lazy and hanging out with Denise....there was a sunset!!! I wonder if cupcakes would still exist if I didn't run.............oh, man, I may never run again!  HAHAHA

August 10, 2012, 3.27 miles,  30:10 (average per mile 9:12). August 14, 2012, 3.42 miles, 32:00 (average per mile 9:21). Year to date 340.38 miles, average time per mile 10:18.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Is Rudeness, The New Black?

Most of the time my blog just deals with running, or my kids.  Today will be a bit different, although, last night I did get a really good/fast run in!

Anyway, I am noticing lately that rudeness and lack of common courtesy are becoming the norm, possibly even becoming socially acceptable.  I understand people are busy with their lives these days, busy with their kids, jobs, exercise, and many, many other things, I am definitely part of that group.  With modern technology, communication in the form we used to know, speaking, writing letters, talking on the phone has been quickly going away.  Communication now is more in the form of texts, emails, facebook, and other social media sites.  I have said for years, that soon people will no longer know how to communicate with someone orally, they won't know how to make eye contact, how to show emotion, or how to speak in full sentences, instead of laughing people will just sit there with no emotion and say, "LMAO".

  My belief is when I text someone, which I do often, email someone, or facebook message with someone, I treat it as though I am actually having a conversation with this person.  For example, if someone sends a text to me asking a question, making a statement, sending a joke, I respond to the text.  In real life if someone asked me a question to my face, I would answer them, I wouldn't just walk away.  If someone says to me, how are you today? I give a response about how I am doing today.  I have noticed more and more lately that when I send someone an email or text, or my husband sends something to someone, many times we do not get a response.  We don't get a "hey thanks", a "that's cool", a "leave me alone and never contact me again".  We get nothing. 

 This brings me back to peoples busy lives and modern technology.  If we are busy and get a text, it takes no more than 2 seconds to respond with an "ok", "thanks", "yes", or "no".  My husband and I spoke on the phone on the way to work this morning about this subject.  I was very irritated, because over the last 7 days, at least 4 people have done this to me and at least 2 people have not responded to my husband.  That makes 6 unresponded to communications between the 2 of us in 7 days.  He told me I shouldn't be irritated, it's just how people are now.  What, this is how people are, and it is just supposed to be excepted?  I do not agree with that at all!! I feel that is it rude, and lacks common courtesy, and if this is now what is acceptable, what does the future hold?  Will my kids think it's ok in the classroom when they are called on by a teacher to not respond.  Will it just be accepted if a police officer has his lights on to pull you over, you just keep driving because you don't feel like responding to the officer? I may be going a little far with this, but really, how is not responding to someone ok?  Maybe the next time someone comes up to me and speaks to me, I should just walk away. If in the grocery store the clerk asks how my day is, I should just not answer, what business is it of theirs anyway?

(stepping off soap box)

Have a wonderful day everyone!!!

August 8, 2012, 3.79 miles,  33:48 (average per mile 8:54).Year to date 333.69 miles, average time per mile 10:19.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Back At It!!

Running, running, running!  I was able to get 3 runs in a row in over the last 3 days, and my long run is included in those runs.........that means I have found a way to squeeze in a long run 2 weeks in a row, yay me!!!

 August 4, 2012, 3.15 miles,  29:37 (average per mile 9:23). August 5, 2012, 7.12 miles, 1:10:47 (average per mile 9:56).  August 6, 2012, 4.02 miles, 39:09 (average per mile 9:44). Year to date 329.90 miles, average time per mile 10:20.

Mr. Jacob had baseball camp at the Rivercats last week of that kids life I think :). 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What Did I Just Do?

Yesterday I had the brilliant idea to register for more races..........I guess, I didn't think 2 half marathons in the next 6 months were enough.  The official list now reads like this:

8/26/12 - Running School Whole Foods 1/2 Marathon, Roseville
9/30/12 - Run Your Gourd Off 5k at Bishops Pumpkin Farm

10/14/12 - Nike Women's 1/2 Marathon, San Francisco

12/2/12 - California International Marathon (FULL Marathon)

1/20/12 - Tinkerbell 1/2 Marathon, Disneyland

I need to to add a Turkey Trot in November as well, so that in a 51 week span I will have raced over 100 miles.

Hope these races will motivate my butt to run more!

Happy running everyone!!!

 July 29,2012, 6.27  miles,  1:01:59 (average per mile 9:52). July 31, 2012, 3.07 miles, 28:54 (average per mile 9:24) Year to date 315.61 miles, average time per mile 10:22.