I beat my personal record!! I thought after running TinkerBell in January, that the only way I would ever be able to beat that time of 2:10:00, would be when I ran Disney again. I felt that the pixie dust and magic of Disney is what pulled me to achieve my PR. I was wrong!! Apparently the hilly trails of Roseville are just as magical. I did not see Micky Mouse, but I did see someone who looked like a cross between the jolly green giant and Luigi from Mario Brothers. I didn't see a sea of team sparkle skirts, but I did see one team sparkle skirt, and the women wearing it had the same last name as me...nice skirt Leslie Pease! I may not have seen anyone with wings, but I did see a lot of people with spirit!! Sunday was a great run, and I felt wonderful about my time, 2:08:18!!! Maybe a sub 2:00 time is in my future!!
Now, we come to after the race...............Shaun and I were asked to join some friends for breakfast, as I was about to say yes, I felt ouchieness in my tummy. Dang it, I need to get home NOW! Shaun and I headed home, and the dying began. I felt sick like the flu, the only time I felt this sick before was after running the Chicago Marathon. How could I possibly feel this bad after only half that distance? I knew we needed to leave shortly after I took a shower, so we could drive the 4.5 hour round trip drive to get the kids. It took about an hour of me walking to the car, then running back in the house to die, to the car, back to the house, to the car back to the house. Finally I was able to go. I had blankie and pillow in hand and we headed out. This was the longest and worst car ride of my life, I cried and moaned the entire drive and could not fall asleep! When we got home with the kids I went to bed. I was freezing, to warm up I would get in the shower, then I would feel like dying again, so I would go back to bed. I alternated between the bed and shower the rest of the day. Finally around 10 pm with the help of a big glass of Donald Duck orange juice, I started to feel better. Monday I even went to work, and stayed there all day! What I didn't do Monday was go pee, at all, I had no pee in me...........turns out, I was severely dehydrated after the race.......grrrr to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
August 26, 2012, 13.2 miles, 2:08:18 (average per mile 9:40). August 29, 2012, 3.12 miles, 27:51 (average per mile 8:54). Year to date 374.49 miles, average time per mile 10:15.