Most of the time my blog just deals with running, or my kids. Today will be a bit different, although, last night I did get a really good/fast run in!
Anyway, I am noticing lately that rudeness and lack of common courtesy are becoming the norm, possibly even becoming socially acceptable. I understand people are busy with their lives these days, busy with their kids, jobs, exercise, and many, many other things, I am definitely part of that group. With modern technology, communication in the form we used to know, speaking, writing letters, talking on the phone has been quickly going away. Communication now is more in the form of texts, emails, facebook, and other social media sites. I have said for years, that soon people will no longer know how to communicate with someone orally, they won't know how to make eye contact, how to show emotion, or how to speak in full sentences, instead of laughing people will just sit there with no emotion and say, "LMAO".
My belief is when I text someone, which I do often, email someone, or facebook message with someone, I treat it as though I am actually having a conversation with this person. For example, if someone sends a text to me asking a question, making a statement, sending a joke, I respond to the text. In real life if someone asked me a question to my face, I would answer them, I wouldn't just walk away. If someone says to me, how are you today? I give a response about how I am doing today. I have noticed more and more lately that when I send someone an email or text, or my husband sends something to someone, many times we do not get a response. We don't get a "hey thanks", a "that's cool", a "leave me alone and never contact me again". We get nothing.
This brings me back to peoples busy lives and modern technology. If we are busy and get a text, it takes no more than 2 seconds to respond with an "ok", "thanks", "yes", or "no". My husband and I spoke on the phone on the way to work this morning about this subject. I was very irritated, because over the last 7 days, at least 4 people have done this to me and at least 2 people have not responded to my husband. That makes 6 unresponded to communications between the 2 of us in 7 days. He told me I shouldn't be irritated, it's just how people are now. What, this is how people are, and it is just supposed to be excepted? I do not agree with that at all!! I feel that is it rude, and lacks common courtesy, and if this is now what is acceptable, what does the future hold? Will my kids think it's ok in the classroom when they are called on by a teacher to not respond. Will it just be accepted if a police officer has his lights on to pull you over, you just keep driving because you don't feel like responding to the officer? I may be going a little far with this, but really, how is not responding to someone ok? Maybe the next time someone comes up to me and speaks to me, I should just walk away. If in the grocery store the clerk asks how my day is, I should just not answer, what business is it of theirs anyway?
(stepping off soap box)
Have a wonderful day everyone!!!
August 8, 2012, 3.79 miles, 33:48 (average per mile 8:54).Year to date 333.69 miles, average time per mile 10:19.
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