So much running going on over in my little world! Last night I hit 50.05 miles, I did this on the 14th of the month..........what the heck!!!
On Sunday morning I hoped on the scale, and was shocked to see that my body has decided to visit the 130's! I weighed in at 139, I hope hope hope, I am here to stay, but until I get more to the middle of the 130's I will act as though I am just visiting!
Saturday morning I ran with my neighbor Brooke and her running group. The temperature was 28 degrees, the time was 7am, and the route was 4 bed was warm, warm, warm. To get myself out of bed and my eyes open, I jumped in the shower, the hot hot hot shower. the next task was to get myself out of that shower. I barley got my running clothes on, teeth brushed and deodorant on before Brooke was waiting outside in her car for me at 5 minutes to 7. The run was cold, oh so cold, there was frost on my beanie, and Brooke and her friends are so fast. After the first mile and a half at 8:18 pace, I had to drop back to a 9 minute pace. During the last mile, I was so cold and tired I wanted to puke, but thank goodness the route had us run along Wildcat Blvd, and I knew a lot of people would be driving by that I knew, so they could get to their child's 8am baseball tryouts. I just kept running. I was so glad when we got back to the parking lot!
Sunday I ran a hard 10.25 mile run. I ran from my house to Chevy's in Rocklin and back. I had to be home by 5 because Shaun had a 7 year old baseball draft to attend...I barely made it back in time. I wasn't in pain or injured, I was just tired. I did it though, and was able to run 4 last night.
5 more days until TINKERBELL!!!
January 7, 2013, 3.08 miles, 28:48(average per mile 9:33). January 10, 2013, 3.17 miles, 28:48 (average per mile 9:04). January 11, 2013, 3.10 miles, 26:47 (average per mile 8:38). January 12, 2013, 4.02 miles, 36:22 (average per mile 9:03). January 13, 2013, 10.25 miles, 1:41:16 (average per mile 9:52). January 14, 2012, 4.06 miles, 36:36 (average per mile 9:01). Year to date 50.05 miles, average per mile 9:24.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Monday, January 7, 2013
Off to a Great Start!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
New Years Day run |
1). Run at least 730 miles
2). Run a have I not run one yet
3). Run with friends more often
4). Get at least 2 PR's
5). Keep my average per mile under 10 minutes
I have registered for 2 races for 2013, I have the TinkerBell 1/2 at Disneyland again on 1/30/13, and Shamrock 1/2 in March. I will run the Rocklin Run again for the 3rd year in a row, and the kids will be running it as well. The kids school has started a running group, and it is designed to train the kids for the Rocklin Run. I am going to register for NIKE again, if it isn't a TNT only run, which is one of the rumors I heard when I ran it last year. I would like to run the Davis Moonlight 1/2 again, and who knows what else I will register for.
Yesterday I started the year off right by getting a 4 mile run in. I ran on the trails in Rocklin behind William Jessup University and along Wildcat Blvd. The trails were good, but whenever I run in a new area, I always tend to go a little slower the first time out.
Yesterday I was on Facebook and saw that a friend had a resolution to Plank for 1 minute everyday in 2013....I thought to myself, that is a weird resolution, until I tried it....ok, planking makes you sore, WOW! I might try planking for a minute everyday just to be as cool as Maribeth. I also read on facebook about one girls push-up resolution........well, I have zero upper body strength, I did 2 girl push ups, and today I feel like my chest and upper arms are broken. This leads to my next 2013 goal, get to the gym and build up some upper body muscles, Shaun said he is going to go with me to help, but I will believe it when I see it. Between work, photography, math tutoring, and baseball coaching, I don't think he will have gym time.
Happy New Year to everyone!!!
January 1, 2013, 4.07 miles, 39:19 (average per mile 9:39). Year to date 4.07 miles, average per mile 9:39.
The End of the Year Update
Not sure how the end of the year came and went already. The month of December was so busy, running totally took a back seat. My list of excuse range from, I have shopping to do, wrapping to do, cleaning to do, dinners to host, bunco to go to, it's freezing outside, I am scared of the dark, and have a super bad cold. With all those excuses, I was only able to get out and run 8 times for a total of 28.1 miles.
I did not end the year where I wanted to running wise.......everything else in life, the year ended right where it should. Year to date I ran 529.82 miles. I just checked my January 2012 blog archive and it doesn't look like I made a goal of how many miles I wanted to run, so I think the goal I had in my head, lets about 529.82 miles!! Oh my heck, I reached my goal!!!
New Years Eve run |
Not sure how the end of the year came and went already. The month of December was so busy, running totally took a back seat. My list of excuse range from, I have shopping to do, wrapping to do, cleaning to do, dinners to host, bunco to go to, it's freezing outside, I am scared of the dark, and have a super bad cold. With all those excuses, I was only able to get out and run 8 times for a total of 28.1 miles.
I did not end the year where I wanted to running wise.......everything else in life, the year ended right where it should. Year to date I ran 529.82 miles. I just checked my January 2012 blog archive and it doesn't look like I made a goal of how many miles I wanted to run, so I think the goal I had in my head, lets about 529.82 miles!! Oh my heck, I reached my goal!!!
December 30, 2012, 3.15 miles, 29:09 (average per mile 9:15). December 31, 2012, 3.74 miles, 34:14 (average per mile 9:08). Year to date 529.82 miles, average per mile 10:03.
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