Wednesday, December 29, 2010


2011 is approaching quickly! I am ready, and there are quiet a few areas in my life that I have made resolutions for!
"I Run My Life" The running portion of it:
In 2011, my goal is to run 1200 miles. In 2010 I fell short of my running goal. My goal was 500 miles; it looks as though I will be just shy of 400 miles. 1200 miles shouldn't be a hard goal to obtain. I have 2 marathons already planned for 2011, a half marathon, at least one 5k and a 10k.
"I Run My Life" The love portion:
Communication, communication, communication. My resolution is to find a way to get Shaun to shut up, and let me talk!! :)
"I Run My Life" The children portion:
Build even stronger relationships with my babies. Jaylee is going through a lot of things academically which will require a lot of time and attention on my part to help her grow. I will be there for her, and for Jacob.
The children portion also includes Shaun's kids. I will work more on finding just the right niche with Marina. Marina is 17, she already has a Mom, and her Mom is very involved in her life. She also has an ex-step-mom that she is still close to. I hope to be a strong role model for Marina, and someone she can talk to if she needs to. As far as Tyler goes, I want to find the right niche with him as well, he lives away at school, so his is a little harder.
"I Run My Life" the friend portion:
Shaun and I want to be more social!! 2011 is already looking good in the socializing department. We are making new friends, and reconnecting with my old friends. Who knows at the end of the year, we might be popular :).
"I Run My Life" the work portion:
I need to promote. I work hard everyday at work, or everyday that I am there. I need to work on building up my vacation time, so that I can promote to a job that I LOVE!

3 cheers for 2011!!! Let's do this!!!!

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