I am giddy with excitement about tomorrow night!!! I have the kids every other New Years Eve. Usually when it is my year, it means I will stay home, put the kids to bed at normal time (7pm) and watch the ball drop on tv. When I don't have the kids I party like a rock star and feel like hell the entire next day.
This year, I have plans that include the kids and involves leaving the house. Jacob has a friend in his kindergarten class that has an awesome Mom. The Mom and I have become friends over the last few months and she invited us over for New Years!!! I am as excited as a 12 year old that just got invited to the cool kids birthday party!!!
I received a text from my new friend tonight and she said another kid in Jacob's class and his family are also going to be coming over. This means, Jacob and his 2 best friends will be playing the wii all night, Jaylee will be playing babysitter to the 3 year old girl and the adults get to do, whatever it is adults do at New Years Eve parties!!! Shaun doesn't drink, so he can be my driver, I will be able to drink a little, can't get too crazy, no puking in front of the kiddo's.
I am just really excited and I hope it means more social stuff to come for 2011.
Here is to a fun, safe night tomorrow with family and friends!!!!
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