Thursday, February 23, 2012

Are You Kidding Me????

First off....Why in the heck have I not run for a week? What is going on? Oh, yeah, I have a super comfy couch, that's been the problem :).

Well, yesterday was Ash Wednesday. During Lent every year I give something up. Many years it is Soda. This year I decided I couldn't give up my soda addiction for 40 days, I couldn't give up Facebook, although I should, so I had to choose something. My first thought came this weekend, when Shaun and I were shooting a wedding at "Old Sugar Mill" in Clarksburg. The place was amazing. It had numerous wine tasting rooms, an awesome vineyard across the street, and just a really great feel to it. I said to Shaun, why aren't we wine drinkers. This place is awesome and the people here are all dressed very cool....I want this to be me. I told him for Lent, we should give up our hatred for the taste of wine, and become wine drinkers. Basically, we should give up sobriety for Lent. Too bad I really can't stand the taste of wine, it tastes like vinegar to me, can't do it. So, this year for Lent, I decided that I will stick to a better running routine. I will get out there 4 days a week and run. There are many weeks already that I do this, but not every week.

So, my running during Lent plan hit a snag on night one........I ran 4.11 miles last night. It felt great, and my speed was wonderful. During mile 3, my right knee felt a little tight. It didn't hurt, didn't slow me down, just had a tightening feeling on the outside of my knee. When I completed my run, I went in the house to tell Shaun about my run. As I sat down, my knee suddenly felt very tender and like it needed to pop. I moved it around a little bit, and then the really bad pain started. I immediately started to cry, not because of the pain, but because I have a race in 8 days, and running is ME! Dang it this stupid knee!!!

I was hoping this morning it would feel better, but not so far. Last night every time I would roll over, the knee pain would wake me up. Doctor's appointment at 3:50 today....she better tell me that running will make it better! That is the only answer I will accept!!!

Maybe for Lent, I should have just said I would eat Girl Scout Cookies all day everyday! I could actually stick to that!

February 22, 2012, 4.11 miles, 37.01 (average per mile 9:00). Year to date 76.01 miles, average time per mile 10:06.

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