Last nights run is dedicated to the Jerk in the white Lexus that decided since he doesn't know how to merge, he would just flip me off out of his sunroof for 2 miles. People apparently do not know how to use the zipper system when 2 very slow nearly stopped lanes of traffic are coming together. He decided to no let me in, and speed up, so there would be no space between him and the car in front of him. He was a big immature jerk and just continued to flip me the bird. I wanted to fight him, which is strange, because I hate confrontation, and I have never been in a fight, but he made me super mad......Instead of fighting I went for a run.
I realized when I ran, that it has been 10 days since TinkerBell...umm, hello why haven't I run in 10 days, what am I doing? I have 23 days until the Bidwell Classic 1/2 marathon, this is no time for taking a break!!!
I ran a really satisfying run, and after I was done, I didn't want to punch anybody. I was also super excited to see that the street lights are back on!! I will be so pissed if someone steals the wiring again, I hate bumping into things while I run.
During my run I did math....some people who know me, know that I am constantly doing math in my head, I do math in the shower, while driving and while running. I have no idea why, I don't like math, but it gets me through things. I have the best laid out budget in my head! Last nights math determined that even though I had a slow January, I can still reach 1000 miles in 2012, I don't know for sure if I want to reach 1000, but it would be pretty freaking awesome if I did it. We will see.
February, 8 2012, 3.23 miles, 30.03 (average per mile 9:18). Year to date 60.79 miles, average time per mile 10:08.
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