Friday, November 16, 2012

Dropping Out

Short run in Monterey last Saturday

I can't believe I am doing it..........I actually cant believe I signed up to do it................But, I am dropping out of running CIM in 2 weeks.  This would have been my 3rd marathon.  I was really excited when I signed up, I love new running shirts, but not excited enough to do my long runs.  I haven't run more than 13 miles in 2 years, not since I trained for CIM in 2010, and I am just not motivated enough to run them now.  I have also been having a hip flexor issue, and I am afraid of hurting myself more, and not being able to run TinkerBell in January, or Shamrock in March, both already signed up for. I have also been having some embarrassing and extreme tummy issues after my last few 1/2 marathons.  I am actually afraid of what my body might do by mile 18 or 19, which is why I haven't been able to get myself to do a long run.  I have thrown up during my last few half marathons, granted one of them I got a PR, and another one involved lots of crazy San Francisco hills, the other was a night run, so I had eaten all day, and the bouncing of food in my tummy during a run didn't turn out well, but with all that, as soon as my 1/2's were finished, my tummy got crazy, crazy, crazy.  I don't know if my stomach has a full marathon in it right now, we will have to see, later down the road. I can assure you though, I will be going to packet pick up, getting my shirt that I have already paid for, and wearing it on Sunday December 2nd!  Eventually I will run a 3rd full marathon, but this year will not be that eventually.

In other news, Jaylee has been working working working at gymnastics.  The girl, with lots of pushing, has been trying to hit her round off back handspring.........last night was the night!!!! YAY Jaylee, I loved seeing the excitement in your eyes when you did it!

In a piece of sad news, we attended Shaun's Grandmother's service, memorial, open house, whatever you want to call it.  It was a nice family event, and I am glad I was there to support Shaun through it. Oh, and Jacob can wear dress attire nicely!!!

I have placed top 3 in 3 5k's to date.  1st place in 2010, and 2, 3rd place wins in 2012

November 7, 2012, 3.08 miles, 29:04 (average per mile 9:25).  November 10, 2012, 2.02 miles, 20:34(average per mile 10:09). November 11, 2012, 6.28 miles, 1:02:03 (average per mile 9:52).  Year to date 489.98 miles, average time per mile 10:04.

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