Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The End of the Year Update

New Years Eve run

Not sure how the end of the year came and went already.  The month of December was so busy, running totally took a back seat.  My list of excuse range from, I have shopping to do, wrapping to do, cleaning to do, dinners to host, bunco to go to, it's freezing outside, I am scared of the dark, and have a super bad cold.  With all those excuses, I was only able to get out and run 8 times for a total of 28.1 miles.

I did not end the year where I wanted to running wise.......everything else in life, the year ended right where it should.  Year to date I ran 529.82 miles.  I just checked my January 2012 blog archive and it doesn't look like I made a goal of how many miles I wanted to run, so I think the goal I had in my head, lets about 529.82 miles!! Oh my heck, I reached my goal!!! 

December 30, 2012, 3.15 miles, 29:09 (average per mile 9:15).  December 31, 2012, 3.74 miles, 34:14 (average per mile 9:08). Year to date  529.82 miles, average per mile 10:03.

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