Thursday, December 27, 2012

12 in 12

January 2012-November 2012
 How is it that I have not blogged in 30 days.........oops, haven't run much either.....double oops.  I started December super motivated, I was going to run 100 miles this month......triple oops!  I have barely run, this month has been so busy, then I got lazy one week, then the cold of all colds set in. I have been sick for almost 2 weeks, and have barely slept, between the kids coughing, and Shaun coughing,  I am exhausted!!!

I have 23 days until Tinkerbell!! I am excited, and have not trained as usual, but I got this :)

12 in 12...........I stepped on the scale the other day, and weighed in at 140lbs.  Last January when I ran the Tinkerbell 1/2 marathon I weighed 152lbs, I felt good, knew I could lose a few, but didn't do a lot to make that happen.  Well 12 months later I am down 12 lbs.  I averaged 1 lb a month, and am feeling great about it.  Wondering if I can creep into the 130's, not sure that will happen, but it would be great if it does, or I can gain 12lbs between now and new years, and try to lose 12 again for 2013 :).

December 5, 2012, 3.95 miles, 36:00 (average per mile 9:05).  December 6, 2012, 4.14 miles, 37:26 (average per mile 9:02). December 8, 2012, 3.30 miles, 32:44 (average per mile 9:54). December 9, 2012, 3.56 miles, 32:50 (average per mile 9:13). December 11, 2012, 3.02 miles, 28:06 (average per mile 9:18). December 13, 2012, 3.23 miles, 28:43 (average per mile 8:52). Year to date  522.93 miles, average per mile 10:04.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mamma Bear, or Just a Reality Check?

Lately I have been evaluating friendships.  Real friendships, friendships just based on convince, neighborhood friendships, family friendships, work friendships, and my kids friendships.  I will go into more detail on each of these friendships in my life in future blogs.  (I know my blog is mostly about my running, but it is really lacking in content, so I decided to write about what I think about while I run, besides just math).  

The first installment on friendships is going to be about "convenient friendships".  The convenient friendship I am going to go into detail on is my friendships with people that I have met through my children.  Basically these are parents of my kids friends.  I have met amazing people through my kids. I have made friends with parents of the kids my kids go to school with, do sports with, have parties with, go to daycare with etc.  The people I have met through the kids have somewhat become more family than friends, these people help to raise my kids, they treat my kids as if they were their own, have an open door for them to walk through at anytime, and have been there so much for my babies.  

Now what happens when my kids are no longer friends with these kids, how close are the parents and I, do we remain friends or are we just friends because our kids are friends.  With Jacob this hasn't been too much of an issue, he is a fun kid that gets along with lots of different kids, but Jaylee....well, she has lots of friend issues.  With Jaylee's friends parents I feel like I make actual friendships with them, which is dangerous because she cycles through her friends fast.  Are the parents and I friends, real friends, or just convenient friends?

This issue has been staring at me in the face the last few days.  Can I remain friends with parents of Jaylee's ex friends? Sure I can, but do I want to? Sure I want to, but can I?  Ok here is the real dirt on the issue.  I can get my feelings hurt very easy!! I hold grudges, and unfortunately my brain doesn't forget anything, it's like my life is on index cards that stick in my brain at all times.  So, Jaylee has been friends with this girl for a few years. Her Mom and I became friends, we could chat about anything, (well people that know me, know I can chat with anyone) anyway we had a nice time together.  Jaylee and this girl recently have had a falling out.  I don't ask too many questions, I know my daughter and know she can be difficult to get along with....and the reason I know this is because as hard as it is to admit, she is my mini me!!!  Jaylee is identical to the way I was at her age, and maybe even the way I am now.  So, when I hear that she isn't friends with this girl anymore, and the Mom seems to have issue with the way my daughter acts, I totally take it personally.  I would never admit that, well I guess I am in this blog, but I wouldn't say it out loud.  So, I let my feelings get hurt and I get pissed.  I find it hard to even look at this parent, so does this mean that my friendships I have built through the kids aren't really friendships, they are just convenient people to talk to when my kids are around?  Probably, which is sad, but really my own damn fault for taking things personally.  

I like to think I am upset about this child and Jaylee not being friends, and angry with the Mom for something that has happen recently because the Mamma Bear in me is coming out, and I want to protect my child at all costs.  But when I really think about it, it is probably just because when I look at Jaylee I get a big fat reality check as to how and who I really am!

I have a feeling that by the end of this friendship blog series I will find myself just sitting alone on my comfy couch with no friends, at least I have Shaun though, my best friend!

November 19, 2012, 3.11 miles, 28:38 (average per mile 9:12).  November 20, 2011, 2.91 miles, 51:31 (average per mile 17:39, walked with a friend with a tiny bit of running). November 22, 2012, 2.49 miles, 23:08 (average per mile 9:16). November 27. 2012, 3.24 miles, 28:54 (average per mile 8:55). Year to date  501.73 miles, average per mile 10:06.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Dropping Out

Short run in Monterey last Saturday

I can't believe I am doing it..........I actually cant believe I signed up to do it................But, I am dropping out of running CIM in 2 weeks.  This would have been my 3rd marathon.  I was really excited when I signed up, I love new running shirts, but not excited enough to do my long runs.  I haven't run more than 13 miles in 2 years, not since I trained for CIM in 2010, and I am just not motivated enough to run them now.  I have also been having a hip flexor issue, and I am afraid of hurting myself more, and not being able to run TinkerBell in January, or Shamrock in March, both already signed up for. I have also been having some embarrassing and extreme tummy issues after my last few 1/2 marathons.  I am actually afraid of what my body might do by mile 18 or 19, which is why I haven't been able to get myself to do a long run.  I have thrown up during my last few half marathons, granted one of them I got a PR, and another one involved lots of crazy San Francisco hills, the other was a night run, so I had eaten all day, and the bouncing of food in my tummy during a run didn't turn out well, but with all that, as soon as my 1/2's were finished, my tummy got crazy, crazy, crazy.  I don't know if my stomach has a full marathon in it right now, we will have to see, later down the road. I can assure you though, I will be going to packet pick up, getting my shirt that I have already paid for, and wearing it on Sunday December 2nd!  Eventually I will run a 3rd full marathon, but this year will not be that eventually.

In other news, Jaylee has been working working working at gymnastics.  The girl, with lots of pushing, has been trying to hit her round off back handspring.........last night was the night!!!! YAY Jaylee, I loved seeing the excitement in your eyes when you did it!

In a piece of sad news, we attended Shaun's Grandmother's service, memorial, open house, whatever you want to call it.  It was a nice family event, and I am glad I was there to support Shaun through it. Oh, and Jacob can wear dress attire nicely!!!

I have placed top 3 in 3 5k's to date.  1st place in 2010, and 2, 3rd place wins in 2012

November 7, 2012, 3.08 miles, 29:04 (average per mile 9:25).  November 10, 2012, 2.02 miles, 20:34(average per mile 10:09). November 11, 2012, 6.28 miles, 1:02:03 (average per mile 9:52).  Year to date 489.98 miles, average time per mile 10:04.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Voting and Bundt Cakes= :)

Today I voted!! I took little Miss Jaylee with me, and took advantage of my right to vote.  After voting I promptly went over to Nothing Bundt Cakes and took advantage of their, "show us you voted and get a free Bundtlet" deal.  I got a free lemon Bundtlet, and purchased a pumpkin spice one!  YUM!

Sunday morning was amazing.  I decided to run the Almond Bowl 5k in Chico.  I originally signed up because my sister in law joined Fleet Feets 5k training group, and was going to run the Almond Bowl.  I wanted to run it with her so I signed up.  1 day into her training class she sustained an injury and was not able to run, but my brother and nephew decided they would run!  We had a fantastic time!! I beat both Andy and Nik, thank goodness, got a new PR, by a minute and 5 seconds, and came in 3rd in my age group.............I think my competitiveness might be showing.  OOPs!!  :)  Good thing this is my blog where I am allowed to brag about myself :).
Anyway, we had a great time, and then went out for a big family breakfast, my Mom and Step-dad even showed up.

Before 11/4/12

After the run, Jacob decided that he wants to run.  He said this last year and gave up after one run, but this time, he has done two runs, and hasn't asked to quit yet.  I will keep the blog updated on his progress!

November 2, 2012, 3.36 miles, 30:27 (average per mile 9:03).  November 4, 2012, 3.10 miles, 27:01(average per mile 8:46). November 4, 2012, 1.18 miles, 13:29 (average per mile 13:29 (Jacob training run). November 5, 2012, 1.14 miles, 13:13 (average per mile 11:32 (Jacob training run) Year to date 476.60 miles, average time per mile 10:07.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Just Keep Running

Happy Halloween!!!!

80's girl and Buster Posey

Posey from the back
I am being a big giant lazy as usual!  I have a 5k this weekend to run in Chico, I will be racing and hopefully beating my brother!  I have some other big race coming up in 4 weeks, but I refuse to talk about it because I am no where near ready for it!!!!

Last Friday was Red day for Red Ribbon Week


I am still sore from Nike, so it's only fitting I add a Nike pic.
October 22, 2012, 3 miles, 28:10 (average per mile 9:22).  October 29, 2012, 5.53 miles, 51:10(average per mile 9:14). October 30, 2012, 3.58 miles, 34:56 (average per mile 9:45). Year to date 467.82 miles, average time per mile 10:08.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Nike, and Pumpkins

the gear

Tiffany and Firefighter

tired and looking gross

after the best shower ever
The Nike Women's Half Marathon was wonderful!  Only regret is running it alone, it would have been a ton more fun to run it with someone and laugh with someone at all the crazy signs!  "don't poop"!!!  My time was 3 minutes slower than my slowest 1/2 time, but I finished it!  2:21.

Monday we took the day off and spent it with the kids, neighbors, and friends at the pumpkin patch!!!

pumpkin patch

friends at the patch
Neighbors at the patch

October 14, 2012, 13.1 miles, 2:21:40 (average per mile 10:49).  October 23, 2012, 3.04 miles, 29:45 (average per mile 9:46). October 17, 2012, 3.31 miles, 35:38 (average per mile 10:45). Year to date 455.71 miles, average time per mile 10:09.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Anniversary, Birthday, Nike, SLO, SF...Oh My!!!

Life is busy like usual!! This week Shaun and celebrated out 1 year wedding anniversary!! I am more in love with him everyday, (don't tell him that though, his head is already big enough).  Today is my baby Jacob's 7th birthday....thank you Giants for pulling out a win for him today!!!  Sunday and Monday we went to San Luis Obispo, and Saturday morning we head to SF for NIKE!! I am scared to death!!!!

October 6, 2012, 4.05 miles, 41:28 (average per mile 10:13).  October 8, 2012, 3.65 miles, 36:00 (average per mile 9:51). Year to date 436.26 miles, average time per mile 10:08.

Friday, October 5, 2012

I Need To Step It Up Soon....

Life has been busy as usual, and I have been lazy....oops! 
Last Sunday I ran the "Run Your Gourd Off" 5k at Bishops Pumpkin Patch.  It was a fantastic run.  The trail was somewhat loose dirt, so it was almost like running in sand at some points, but it was still fun.  I was sore the next day, since I had to work a little harder with the loose dirt, but still a great run.  Oh, and I got a 4 second PR!!!

September 26, 2012, 3.10 miles, 29:56 (average per mile 9:38).  September 30, 2012, 3.21 miles, 28:06 (time according to capital road race management 28:02)(average per mile 8:44).  October 3, 2012, 3.07 miles, 28:16 (average per mile 9:11).  Year to date 428.56 miles, average time per mile 10:08.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I haven't written much, but that doesn't mean I have run much...

I haven't been writing much about my runs, simply because I have just been too busy.  Life is good things are good, and runs are good.  I LOVE good!!

Oh, and I forgot to mention; this weekend I am running "Run Your Gourd Off" at Bishops Pumpkin Patch.  I read today that overall winners will win their weight in pumpkins..............WTH!!

September 17, 2012, 3.63 miles,  33:40 (average per mile 9:15). September 19, 2012, 3.51 miles, 33:10 (average per mile 9:25).  September 22, 2012, 4.62 miles, 46:05 (average per mile 9:58.  September 23, 2012, 3.32 miles, 29:28 (average per mile 8.52).  September 24, 2012, 4.58 miles, 42:26 (average per mile 9:15).  September 25, 2012, 3.05 miles, 28:55 (average per mile 9:27).  Year to date 419.18 miles, average time per mile 10:09.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Quick Update

Stewarts Cove, Carmel 9/14/12
 Life has been crazy busy!! I am trying to squeeze in running between, work, weddings, Jaylee's gymnastics and cheer practices, Jacobs baseball games, Bunco, friends, neighbors, and church.  I have added some mileage, but not a lot.

Two big things that went on this past weekend.....

Beach Run
We shot a BEAUTIFUL wedding in Carmel on Friday.  One of Jaylee's gym coaches got married, and her wedding was amazing.  The morning of the wedding I woke up in Monterey, and ran along the coast.  The weather was overcast, and there was a slight mist, it was PERFECT!  I ran, and just wanted to keep on running.  I think I could have run all day and not stopped.  That afternoon we headed over to Carmel, and the clouds burned off, and the water was amazing.  The wedding was perfect.

Another big event this weekend was my Neighbor Ricks deployment.  I know all kinds of people who have served in the military, all have been deployed at one time or another, but my neighbor leaving has been really emotional.  His wife, has become my dear friend, and my heart breaks for her!  They have two amazing daughters who I adore, and my heart really breaks for them!  Jaylee and I went to church with Denise and the girls yesterday, and to see the sadness on the oldest girls face, it was all I could do to keep from bursting into tears!  I admire and thank Rick for his service to our country, and I will make sure his family is taken care of while he is gone! 

Toes In The Water.....ass not in the sand yet
September 4, 2012, 2.23 miles,  22:27 (average per mile 10:04). September 6, 2012, 4.08 miles, 37:41 (average per mile 9:14).  September 10, 2012, 5.36 miles, 49:30 (average per mile 9:14.  September 11, 2012, 3.07 miles, 27:11 (average per mile 8.51).  September 14, 2012, 3.95 miles, 39:13 (average per mile 9:55).  September 16, 2012, 3.29 miles, 29:02 (average per mile 8:48).  Year to date 396.47 miles, average time per mile 10:12.

Friday, August 31, 2012


How have I not blogged about my 1/2 on Sunday?  What the heck!!!
I beat my personal record!!  I thought after running TinkerBell in January, that the only way I would ever be able to beat that time of 2:10:00, would be when I ran Disney again.  I felt that the pixie dust and magic of Disney is what pulled me to achieve my PR.  I was wrong!! Apparently the hilly trails of Roseville are just as magical.  I did not see Micky Mouse, but I did see someone who looked like a cross between the jolly green giant and Luigi from Mario Brothers.  I didn't see a sea of team sparkle skirts, but I did see one team sparkle skirt, and the women wearing it had the same last name as me...nice skirt Leslie Pease!  I may not have seen anyone with wings, but I did see a lot of people with spirit!!  Sunday was a great run, and I felt wonderful about my time, 2:08:18!!! Maybe a sub 2:00 time is in my future!!

Now, we come to after the race...............Shaun and I were asked to join some friends for breakfast, as I was about to say yes, I felt ouchieness in my tummy.  Dang it, I need to get home NOW!  Shaun and I headed home, and the dying began.  I felt sick like the flu, the only time I felt this sick before was after running the Chicago Marathon.  How could I possibly feel this bad after only half that distance?  I knew we needed to leave shortly after I took a shower, so we could drive the 4.5 hour round trip drive to get the kids.  It took about an hour of me walking to the car, then running back in the house to die, to the car, back to the house, to the car back to the house.  Finally I was able to go.  I had blankie and pillow in hand and we headed out.  This was the longest and worst car ride of my life, I cried and moaned the entire drive and could not fall asleep!  When we got home with the kids I went to bed.  I was freezing, to warm up I would get in the shower, then I would feel like dying again, so I would go back to bed.  I alternated between the bed and shower the rest of the day.  Finally around 10 pm with the help of a big glass of Donald Duck orange juice, I started to feel better.  Monday I even went to work, and stayed there all day!  What I didn't do Monday was go pee, at all, I had no pee in me...........turns out, I was severely dehydrated after the race.......grrrr to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

August 26, 2012, 13.2 miles,  2:08:18 (average per mile 9:40). August 29, 2012, 3.12 miles, 27:51 (average per mile 8:54). Year to date 374.49 miles, average time per mile 10:15.

Friday, August 24, 2012


Looks like I haven't updated in over a week....oops, maybe I have been too busy running :).

Last week I was invited to run with one of my neighbor's running groups.  I figured there would be a few girls showing up, and I would be left behind and hopefully not get lost!  Saturday morning was the day of the groups long run.  I met them all in the parking lot of Twelve Bridges Elementary School, at 6:20 in the morning.  When I arrived in the parking lot, I noticed a boat load of minivans....what are all these people doing at the school at 6:20 on a Saturday morning, while it was raining? Turns out there were 14 people including me, there to run! The group leader handed everyone a handy dandy map that map out a 7 mile run, 9 mile run, and 11 mile run.  There were girls with every different pace imaginable there, and they were all running different distances.  The girl who invited me to run, is a running superstar, so I knew better not to go with her group, because I would end up alone :).  I ran with a group of super friendly girls, and their goal was to run 7. We ran a really cool run, there was some drizzle, there was a sunrise, and really cool trails that are behind my subdivision, that go all the way to Rocklin, that I had no idea existed.  I ran a slow time, but chatted with the girls and had one of the best runs of my life!!!  After the run, I rushed home, showered and we headed to Lake Almanor to shoot a wedding, it was a long but great day!

I have had some other short, but fast runs over the last few days, and Sunday is the Whole Foods Running School Half!!! I don't expect to do well, but I do expect to have a good time!!!

August 16, 2012, 4.38 miles,  44:32 (average per mile 10:09). August 18, 2012, 6.72 miles, 1:13:44 (average per mile 10:58). August 21, 2012, 3.59 miles, 32:00 (average per mile 8:53). August 22, 2012, 3.10 miles, 27:48 (average per mile 8:57). Year to date 358.17 miles, average time per mile 10:17.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Morning Run

I have complained about it before, I will complain about it again, and I will complain about it now.....I don't like running in the morning.  I did it anyway today and felt great afterwards..............glad I did it....booo!

I also don't like running on Friday nights, but I ran last Friday night. :)

Oh........I thought that pretty sunsets only appeared because I was running....I thought it was Gods way of cheering me.  Last night while I was being lazy and hanging out with Denise....there was a sunset!!! I wonder if cupcakes would still exist if I didn't run.............oh, man, I may never run again!  HAHAHA

August 10, 2012, 3.27 miles,  30:10 (average per mile 9:12). August 14, 2012, 3.42 miles, 32:00 (average per mile 9:21). Year to date 340.38 miles, average time per mile 10:18.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Is Rudeness, The New Black?

Most of the time my blog just deals with running, or my kids.  Today will be a bit different, although, last night I did get a really good/fast run in!

Anyway, I am noticing lately that rudeness and lack of common courtesy are becoming the norm, possibly even becoming socially acceptable.  I understand people are busy with their lives these days, busy with their kids, jobs, exercise, and many, many other things, I am definitely part of that group.  With modern technology, communication in the form we used to know, speaking, writing letters, talking on the phone has been quickly going away.  Communication now is more in the form of texts, emails, facebook, and other social media sites.  I have said for years, that soon people will no longer know how to communicate with someone orally, they won't know how to make eye contact, how to show emotion, or how to speak in full sentences, instead of laughing people will just sit there with no emotion and say, "LMAO".

  My belief is when I text someone, which I do often, email someone, or facebook message with someone, I treat it as though I am actually having a conversation with this person.  For example, if someone sends a text to me asking a question, making a statement, sending a joke, I respond to the text.  In real life if someone asked me a question to my face, I would answer them, I wouldn't just walk away.  If someone says to me, how are you today? I give a response about how I am doing today.  I have noticed more and more lately that when I send someone an email or text, or my husband sends something to someone, many times we do not get a response.  We don't get a "hey thanks", a "that's cool", a "leave me alone and never contact me again".  We get nothing. 

 This brings me back to peoples busy lives and modern technology.  If we are busy and get a text, it takes no more than 2 seconds to respond with an "ok", "thanks", "yes", or "no".  My husband and I spoke on the phone on the way to work this morning about this subject.  I was very irritated, because over the last 7 days, at least 4 people have done this to me and at least 2 people have not responded to my husband.  That makes 6 unresponded to communications between the 2 of us in 7 days.  He told me I shouldn't be irritated, it's just how people are now.  What, this is how people are, and it is just supposed to be excepted?  I do not agree with that at all!! I feel that is it rude, and lacks common courtesy, and if this is now what is acceptable, what does the future hold?  Will my kids think it's ok in the classroom when they are called on by a teacher to not respond.  Will it just be accepted if a police officer has his lights on to pull you over, you just keep driving because you don't feel like responding to the officer? I may be going a little far with this, but really, how is not responding to someone ok?  Maybe the next time someone comes up to me and speaks to me, I should just walk away. If in the grocery store the clerk asks how my day is, I should just not answer, what business is it of theirs anyway?

(stepping off soap box)

Have a wonderful day everyone!!!

August 8, 2012, 3.79 miles,  33:48 (average per mile 8:54).Year to date 333.69 miles, average time per mile 10:19.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Back At It!!

Running, running, running!  I was able to get 3 runs in a row in over the last 3 days, and my long run is included in those runs.........that means I have found a way to squeeze in a long run 2 weeks in a row, yay me!!!

 August 4, 2012, 3.15 miles,  29:37 (average per mile 9:23). August 5, 2012, 7.12 miles, 1:10:47 (average per mile 9:56).  August 6, 2012, 4.02 miles, 39:09 (average per mile 9:44). Year to date 329.90 miles, average time per mile 10:20.

Mr. Jacob had baseball camp at the Rivercats last week of that kids life I think :). 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What Did I Just Do?

Yesterday I had the brilliant idea to register for more races..........I guess, I didn't think 2 half marathons in the next 6 months were enough.  The official list now reads like this:

8/26/12 - Running School Whole Foods 1/2 Marathon, Roseville
9/30/12 - Run Your Gourd Off 5k at Bishops Pumpkin Farm

10/14/12 - Nike Women's 1/2 Marathon, San Francisco

12/2/12 - California International Marathon (FULL Marathon)

1/20/12 - Tinkerbell 1/2 Marathon, Disneyland

I need to to add a Turkey Trot in November as well, so that in a 51 week span I will have raced over 100 miles.

Hope these races will motivate my butt to run more!

Happy running everyone!!!

 July 29,2012, 6.27  miles,  1:01:59 (average per mile 9:52). July 31, 2012, 3.07 miles, 28:54 (average per mile 9:24) Year to date 315.61 miles, average time per mile 10:22.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

What In The Heck Happened This Week?!?!

Oh my gosh!! I barley ran this week, maybe I should start blogging about other runners instead of blogging about my running!!!  The only excuse I am going to use, is that I was a big giant lazy!!

Oh, on another note, in the month of July I have lost 5lbs! 

Awww....just looked at my "week in pictures" on my phone....looks like Pineapple Upside Down Cake drinks, may have gotten in the way of my running!! Damn Cake Vodka!!!

July 24,2012, 3.05  miles,  26:03 (average per mile 8:32). July 26, 2012, 3.62 miles, 31:41 (average per mile 8:44) Year to date 306.27 miles, average time per mile 10:23.

Friday, July 20, 2012

To Run CIM or Not Run CIM......

AHHHHH, why in the heck do I suddenly have this want to run another marathon? I have run 2, I hated them both, but I really want a time I can be proud of.  3rd time a charm....maybe....????  CIM is 6 weeks after the NIKE 1/2, and 6 weeks before the Tinkerbell 1/2.  I also have the Wholefoods 1/2 in Roseville coming up..............ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I don't know what to do. 

Oh well, I will decide later

July 19,2012 4.39 miles,  40:17 (average per mile 9:210). Year to date 299.60 miles, average time per mile 10:25.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Another 4

Last night, I did not want to run...but as I was leaving work yesterday the girls who sits next to me said, "are you going to run tonight?"  I didn't answer as I was walking out the door, I didn't want to commit myself to a run.  As the night went on I kept hearing her asking me if I was going to run.  She has just started working out at home before and after work, and has done well all week.  She has walked twice a day at break time, and she started taking the stairs.  She is winded when she gets back from break, but determined.  I can't be  the lazy girl she sits next to, that just wouldn't be right.  I have told her about lots of different activities she and her kids could go to do get themselves moving, so again it would not be right if I didn't continue to exercise as I am verbally encouraging her to do. So, 4/17 miles happened last night, and a good pace time came with it!!  Thank you Laura for keeping me accountable, and AWESOME job on getting yourself moving!!!

July 17,2012 4.17 miles,  39:11 (average per mile 9:24). Year to date 295.21 miles, average time per mile 10:27.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Just Run!

 Short post today, as I have been lazy lately, so I think if I just fill up my post with lots of pictures no one will notice that I have only run once in the last 5 days!  The one run I did do was the Davis Moonlight 1/2 Marathon, and it was AWESOME!!  My time was blah, not my fastest not my slowest, but it was ok.  I need to be ok, with an ok time...I usually run in the evening in the heat, which is when the Moonlight took place, but I don't ever race in the evening in the heat.  This run really affected my body afterwards, still feeling achy, which I usually don't feel after a 1/2.

Official stats: 2:17:14.  Came in 675th out of 1564, 37th in my age group, out of 140.  Not the best, but good enough to brag quietly about.
Jacob rocked his kids run, and needs to start on his 5K's.  He keeps asking to do one, but I don't want to run slow with him, so I need to find a running buddy for him, and find a race that I have him that weekend.  Soon, Jacob, soon!

July 14,2012 13.4 miles,  2:17:40 (average per mile 10:12). Year to date 291.04 miles, average time per mile 10:27.

Variety of weekend pictures.........Art Jaylee and Shaun made....using my directions, Jacob and his twin cousins, Jacob at Joes, Jacobs ribbon, Jaylee at VBS, and my and Jacobs running shirts and bibs!