Looks like my last blog was about 10 months ago! I am so consistent with this thing. This year my plan for "I Run My Life" is just to keep track of my running miles and times.
During my 10 month absence, I ran a few races.
On April 3, 2011, I ran the Rocklin run 5k. Roshell and I ran this race together and I ran my best time so far: 28:23. I enjoyed that run, a lot of Jaylee's friends parents ran it, and it was a good way to wake up on a weekend.
The next race I did was on November 6, 2011, The Chico Almond Bowl, my second 1/2 marathon, not only my second 1/2 ever, but my second 1/2 of the year. As mentioned in my previous post, I have absolutely fallen in love with the 1/2. I ran this race without training, and was sore a crap the next 2 days. My time was 3 minutes slower than my first 1/2, 2:18:56.
On December 10, 2011, I decided to join Kara, her Mom, sisters and other family members in the Jingle Bell Rock'n 5k. This race was horrible because, somehow I completely missed the 5k turn around spot (there was a 5k and 10k going on at the same time). I ran close to 4 miles instead of the 3.1, my time was 34:55. That is my worst 5k time, but it was still fun to run and hey, a little extra running didn't hurt me.
For 2012 I have 2 runs scheduled so far. On January 29th, I am running the TinkerBell 1/2 at Disneyland! I am so excited!!! Shaun, Jaylee, Jacob, Jason, Christy, Annie and Shane will all be at Disneyland with me....so hopefully they all plan to get up early that day, so I can have some cheerleaders! I am so excited that everyone will be there and that we all get to have a ton of fun with the Mouse after the race!! I am hoping to PR on this one, but we will see if I even train before it. When I ran the Bidwell Classic in March, I did a lot of training and wasn't sore at all. When I ran in the Almond Bowl, I hadn't trained at all, I was too busy getting married in Hawaii to train, I was so sore for days after. This time I can't afford to be sore, I have 2 full days of Disney after the race.
I also have the Roseville Chocolate Run scheduled for 2012. The run is in February, and will be a 5k. Jacob wants to run in it also. Kara and her family may also be joining, and I heard from Roshell today that she plans to run.....who doesn't want to run in a race that has the word Chocolate in the title.
As I was saying earlier, I want this years blog to just track my runs, times, and races.
January 2, 2012 3.1 miles, 29:40. year to date total 3.1 miles, average time per mile 9.33
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