I haven't run the last 2 days, I need to make sure I run tomorrow, that that I have at least 3 runs this week. I have 15 days until the Tinkerbell Half, I am so excited, I just need this tummy ache to get the heck out of here, so I can have a productive run.
I have decided on 3 more runs for the upcoming months. The spring is a little tough due to Jaylee's gymnastics meets, Jacobs baseball games and weddings that need to be shot, but I will squeeze my races in. I am going to run the Bidwell Classic again, 1/2 marathon in Chico, March 3rd. The Rocklin run, 5k again in April and the Davis Moonlight 1/2 in July. I am guessing it will be pretty hot in July in Davis, even at night, so that run will be tough, but I can do it.
Speaking of springtime, our lives are going to be CRAZY! Jaylee will be finishing up her indoor soccer league, she will also have all of her gymnastics competitions. I think there are 8 total, one at Knotts Berry Farm. Jacob will be starting his minor A little league, and Shaun will be the head coach this year. We have also booked quite a few spring weddings, we will be traveling to Merced, and Monterey, and the Delta. We also have our real jobs, homework, birthday parties and end of the school year activities, but we love being busy, so all should be good!!
Ok, back to running....my run on Thursday night felt great. I planned on a 3 miler, but when I got to the mile and a half mark, I decided to go out a little further, and ended up with a 4 mile run. I love when I go farther than planned, much better than having to bow out early.
January 12, 2012, 4.07 miles, 38:36 (average per mile 9:28). Year to date 30.45 miles, average time per mile 10:27
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