This blog post is dedicated to Tina, because she is one of the most amazing and coolest chicks I know!!!
Today I posted the reason I run on Facebook. "I run so I can eat crap" This statement is so me!! I love to eat sugar, can't stop eating it, I just love anything sweet. With the amount of food I eat, I should weigh 400lbs, and once my knees give out or legs break, I probably will weigh 400lbs.
One of my Facebook friends, the lovely Leah Allen replied to my status with "I run for the same reason, I've just never heard anyone say it out loud" Why not say it out loud? It's the best reason to run!! :)
Another friend, Tim, posted to my status "Diets are so ineffective. Burn it off with good ole fashioned sweat" Yes Tim, Yes!!! I have never dieted, nor do I ever want to, I want to eat what and when I want!!!
That is the reason I run, maybe I should change my blog name to "I run so I can eat crap" or "crap is my motivation"
Today I ran 3.21 miles. I ran after I cleaned the house and did laundry, and before I went to RP to pick the kids up from their Dads house. I don't like running in daylight, and can't stand running midday, but I really wanted a Blizzard, so I ran. I am pretty sore after, which is strange since it was such a short run, but I think that since my heart wasn't really in the run, it made my body have to work harder to complete it.
January 8, 2012, 3.21 miles, 29:59 (average per mile 9:19). Year to date 18.31 miles, average time per mile 10:13
<3 you too! We need a run + dinner date complete with yummy Brussells. For the record I ate 7 mini dark chocolate PB cups for dinner... and I didn't run or workout in any way.