Monday, April 16, 2012


This past weekend may have been the best one yet!

Saturday Jaylee had a gymnastics meet in Cameron Park. Her team placed 2nd, there was definitely some improvement noticed. After the meet, we went and met up with Rita and my nephew Nik, so we could get some pictures of the 3 kids together in hopes of giving my Mom a cool birthday gift. I am trying to figure out a way to give her a great birthday gift, a picture of all the grand kids together. The picture will take a lot of photoshop, and will require me to contact my step dad's kids to get pictures. This will be a chore, but I am semi up for the challenge. The pictures are also including a lot of Jacob and Nik pictures. Jacob wants a picture of him and his baseball playing cousin for his wall. Both kids were dressed in full uniform for the pictures. After pictures, Jaylee and I went to Stacey's baby shower. I had a great time chatting with people I haven't seen for awhile, and talking with Stacey, and seeing her cute little baby bump!

We came home after that for a quick minute, giving me just enough time to clean and vacuum the inside of the car, then it was off to a birthday party the kids were invited to. The party was a skating party, and I realized my kids have NEVER skated. They fell a lot, but by the end of the night Jaylee was doing really well, and Jacob was enjoying the wall, but kept on trying. I was so afraid they would break and arm, and be out of baseball or gymnastics, we decided, no skating, or trampoline parties for the kids! :) After the party, the kids were worn out, so bedtime for them, and Shaun and I were able to relax together for awhile.

Sunday morning bright and early, we were off to the Rocklin Run! I picked up Kara and Kristin, and the families met us there. The run was so great! I had a 14 second PR, and came in 3rd for my age group!!! I even received a granite rock trophy, I was thrilled! The kids ran the 1 mile kids run, and did really really good. Jacob did it in 9:11, and was so excited about beating Jaylee. Jaylee ran it with her friend Layla, and they had a decent pace, finished around the 11 minute mark. Jacob is itching to do a 5k, and I think he can probably pull it off. Next year, he will definitely do the Rocklin Run, and depending on our schedules he may do one before that also.

After the run, we had ice cream, and came home. I cleaned the house, and the kids played, and played and played! The weather was so nice, all the kids and the court were out, and they had a blast. At one point the girls were playing jump rope with the water house, then all the kids got a dodge ball game going. I felt bad making the kids come in at 7, they were having so much fun. Both of the kids told me this was the best weekend EVER!

April 15, 2012, 3.10 miles, 28:06 (average per mile 9:03). Year to date 135.74miles, average time per mile 9:52.

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